Please Pray For...
We ask that you take a moment to pray for the intentions of those individuals listed below, so that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, may look kindly upon them and bestow his blessings.
Marge Powell; Ben Gondek; Sean Penza; Elaine Dunne; Jackie Wojt; Michelle Bear; Jason Michael; Loretto Petrus; Jack Hudson; Manny Garcia; Nancy Landes; Rita Sonnemann; Margaret Schmitt; Ken Arber; Alice Arber; Cathleen Scheetz; Jim Adrian; Marie V. Gallelli; Pat Kluzak; Thomas & Judith Pusateri; John Blake; Tim Sherbenou; Liam O’Halleran; Jason Loring; Doris Eisbrener; Joan Judkins; Cari Igou; Gale Morrison; Ryan Beatty; Connie Gross; Ed Carroll; Lee Warner; Rick Luszcak; Patricia Kautz; Mary Kocol; Adam Metz; Paul Eisbrener; Pete Asquini; Danny Lyska; Judy Button; Monica Mowry; Matthew Seavers; Ron Sachs; Kelly Swanson; Sam Bruscato; Patsy Digiacomo; John Friel; Judy Friel; Sandy Oaks; Ray Hammer; Marla Mae; Bute Danko; Debbie King; Corina Enciso; Pat Kelly Jr.; Robert Hall; Rob Taylor; Mark Miller; Helen Edmonds; Jaxon Mowry; Stan Maravelias; Bob Lindsay; Members of the Vraney Family; Dale Schneider; Dawson Packer; Melisa Hogan; Madeline, Jocelyn, Travis, Lauren Malestic; Lenny May; Donna & Joy; and; all the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
To have names added or removed from the prayer list, or to request Mass intentions contact the Parish Office by calling (815)678-7421, emailing, or by leaving a note in the mailbox at the entrance of the Parish Office.