Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus Council 8366
Grand Knight, Donald Kennedy
The Knights of Columbus is an international Catholic Men's Organization, founded in Connecticut by Father Michael J. McGivney on March 29, 1882. The Knights of Columbus began so that men could work together to serve their parishes and communities, support each other in faith and protect the well being of their Catholic families. Becoming a Knight of Columbus can transform your life.
The Knights of Columbus St. Joseph Chapter is always open to inquiries about membership or the charities that we assist.
The St. Joseph Chapter of the Knights began in 1983 and is very involved in service to the parish and community. We meet once a month on the first Thursday at 7:00 pm in the church basement and discuss parish projects and upcoming events. Plus, we have a lot of fun and fellowship and great food at our meetings. Please contact the Parish Office at 815-678-7421 or
Tootsie Roll Drive Fundraiser 2024
Don May and the St. Joseph’s Knights of Columbus council 8366 presented checks to Jason Clark from Pioneer Centers and Randi Murkowski from Mainstay Farm. The monies were raised from the Tootsie Roll Drive fundraiser in September for Intellectual Disabilities, which raised over $4000.00 to assist persons with intellectual disabilities in our area.
Spring/Fall clean-up of the St. Joseph's Cemetery

Receiving the Star Council Award for outstanding achievement in membership, insurance, and programing

Serving the Parish at the Summer Picnic

Helping the Nuns at the Ukranian Monastery
Setting Up The Nativity

Installing the new Church Signs

Knights of Columbus supporting the Pioneer Center and Mainstay Therapeutic Stables