This Monday, in addition to it being my 59th birthday, and more importantly the celebration of Our Lady of Lourdes, is the World Day of Prayer for the Sick. It never ceases to amaze me, even with 25 years of priesthood behind me, the depth and generosity of God. The constant graces, the never-ending river of mercy, the healing Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and the power of prayer in the Rosary, all of which can heal body, mind, spirit and soul. God really never gives up on us. True, we often suffer in life, but, He is always with us to give us comfort and joy in the midst of our pain and hurt. We are never alone!
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick can be the balm of Gilead a Catholic can need in the midst of disease and despair. Scripture teaches us that when we are very sick, in need of comfort and healing, or just a shot in the arm to fortify our faith, this wonderful sacrament is dispensed freely and happily by the priests of Mother Church. So, if you are about to undergo surgery or are in need of grace and God’s comfort, then come to me after one of the Sunday Masses and I will be happy to anoint you. This sacrament is not the Last Rites of the Church, unless you are near death!
So, let us pray for our sick friends and family and lift them up to the Lord. Comfort is God’s middle name—He never stops loving us!