The Martyrs of the Church

What is a martyr?  With the rise of fundamentalist Islam, the word “martyr” has taken on a very negative meaning in our modern culture.  Where they kill others and call it martyrdom, Christians have always held martyrdom in high regard.  For the Christian, a martyr is one who gives their life for the Person of Jesus Christ as a personal and solo act defending the name of Jesus and His Holy Church.  In Christendom, martyrs believe that to defend the Faith and Jesus Christ in the public square, in defiance of the state or other people, is a noble action.  It is one of sacrifice, it is a personal choice that doesn’t take the life of another, but is willing to lose that life in defense of Jesus Christ.  The belief is that Jesus Christ is never to be compromised, never denied, or One to be run from when adversity or persecution advance.

Now, one can be either a wet martyr (one who sheds actual blood in death for Jesus) or, a dry martyr (one who suffers persecution and defends the faith without concern of another’s judgment or fear of consequences from others).  This dry martyrdom is the call of every Christian never to be afraid of what others think, correcting the ignorant, and assisting those who have abandoned or hate the Church to return and recommit to Christ.  This takes a lot of courage, no doubt.  When we stand up for what is right and oppose evil, when we instruct our children to be charitable in actions and speech, when we practice our Faith with confidence and conviction, when we pass on the Faith in an ever-increasing faithless world, all these thing, and more, are all part of being a dry martyr.—It’s called the Christian life! 

Even today, in many parts of the world, Christians are dying a wet martyrdom just because they are Christians (usually a minority in a country).  This innocent shedding of blood strengthens the Church and can purify her.  So does living a dry martyrdom as a faithful, holy, loving Christian.  Both can and do engender hatred and persecution.  So, turn to the martyrs of old and of today to find courage and strength in your daily living.  Look up a particular martyr-saint and call on him/her to intercede on your behalf for courage and certainty in your daily struggle to lead a saintly life.  The martyrs (wet) and our dry martyrdom of daily Christian living is an example the world sorely needs.

The next time someone criticizes you for your Faith, or rips on you because you believe and practice that belief—live the persecution with joy, enter into the suffering of it with the example of the Holy Cross for strength, praise God for the privilege of having faith, and never turn from Christ.  The Holy Spirit will give you courage—just ask for it!