“Go forth into all the world and proclaim the good news, baptizing, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
These are the last words of Jesus Christ before He ascended into heaven. We are given the “Great Commission” to tell the world about Jesus: that Salvation has come to the world, and Heaven is now open to all who believe in Him.
Through this command from Christ, we understand the need for baptism as the foundational encounter with the Christ. The essence of baptism is life – life in Christ. Putting on the new man and abandoning former ways of living, becomes the basis of a sound and holy relationship with Jesus. This relationship grows throughout our lives as we conform to Him in obedience and faithfulness.
No longer is it “my will be done“ but “Thy will be done.“ Such a relationship brings us great joy and a true interior piece. Filled with this “real“ and “abiding“ joy, we can’t but help telling others about what we possess, and the treasure we hold.
This gift of Grace is for anyone, everywhere. May we have the fortitude to go, “tell it on the mountain,” that Jesus Christ was born, died, and rose, for the salvation of all!