Thank you CCD teachers.

Another Religious Education school year has drawn to an end.  I want to thank Lisa Sachs, the director of our program, for all her hard work in steering the program through the year.  I also am grateful for our teachers and staff who give of their time to share the Faith with our young people.  It is not an easy task.  But, it is rewarding and important—so, Thank You!

I want to encourage all our parents to register your child(ren) for CCD next year.  If you have a kindergartener up to 8th grade child, you are encouraged to register them.  Forming our children in the Faith is the first duty of every parent.  Sharing and living the Faith sets the ground work for a life set on fire in and founded on the Person of Jesus Christ.  Thank you to our parents who see the value of Religious Education as a vital part of shaping children into becoming good and holy Christian women and gentlemen.

Looking forward to our continued success and work in tilling ground for the present and the future.