As Advent moves forward to its beautiful and holy conclusion of the Incarnation, you are reminded to do your Christmas duty and go to Confession before Christmas Day. This is a great way to prepare for the Birth of Christ and increase your sense of hope by receiving the grace, mercy and forgiveness of Christ.
I know that this is not a regular habit for many of you, but many more over the years have heeded the call to a more regular practice of this wonderful sacrament. Often called Sacrament of Healing, it is an opportunity to humble yourself before our Heavenly Father, admit your sinfulness, and seek reconciliation with Him by encountering the forgiveness of Christ through the actions of the priest.
Some say that they can ask God directly. This is true, but it is not a Catholic belief or sentiment. The forgiveness of your sins is granted through the practice of auricular confession. This is the ordinary way that Christ and His Church teach us. It is interesting to note that the Lord, upon His Resurrection, greeted the Apostles and then gave them the Sacrament of Confession because of His never ending love for us.
So, get to Confession! The times are listed in the bulletin. Let this marvelous sacrament be a means to a happy, joyful and holy Christmastide.