Our Religious Education program begins this weekend. As we bless our students and teachers, and pray God to form their hearts and minds with a spirit of love and trust, we see the Church alive in our young people. They are not just “future Church”, they are the Church.
For Religious Education or CCD to have a lasting value, two examples must be visible:
- The example of parents and the home!
Religious training is not the sole purview of the Church. The principle example must come from the parents who are the first teachers of their children in the Faith. The Church works with the Domestic Church (the home) to build up our young people, providing an anchor in a world windy with doubt, confusion and unbelief. Parents must set an example to their children by taking them to Mass and Confession. You cannot pass on what you do not possess. The Faith must be passed on to the next generation. Parents are the pastors of their “little church”. It is an awesome and eternal responsibility that has eternal consequences. Parents must fall in love with Christ if Christ is to have any connection for your children.
- The whole Church community must shine!
This parish is a great place to learn and live the Faith. However, it takes all of us, priest and people, working and praying together for the greater good of the salvation of souls. We are not perfect, yet, we are called to strive. We fall short, but, we keep standing back up. We doubt and are confused at times, still we have faith and trust in God and His love for all of us. If we pray for each other, struggle together, love the Lord, and expect victory as Christ has promised, then St. Joseph Church will be a great foundation for future generations until Christ comes again!
If you still need to register your child, call Lisa Sachs at 815-451-0832. Give your child the Faith. And, a special thank you to all our teachers who share the Faith with our young people.