Next week Sunday the CCD program starts up to begin another year of forming young souls in the ways of our Faith. It is extremely important that every parent provide for this formal faith experience by making sure your child in 1st through 8th grade is registered for this year. The parent is the first teacher of the Faith, and, it behooves that parent to instruct your child in the things of faith. Religious Education becomes a necessary support to parents who are sincere in saving both their own souls and the souls of their child(ren). Who doesn’t want to go to Heaven? R. E. is an avenue on that path to God and eternal life.
The purpose of Religious Education is to introduce the heart of the created to the Heart of the Creator. The fruit of this union is evidenced in the practice of the Faith, the sharing of Sacred Scripture, the retelling of the lives of the saints, and, in the celebration of the sacraments. Religious Education is not to be seen as an intrusion on our Sunday morning, but, as invitation to let the Sabbath Day be made holy by going to Mass and learning more about being a great Catholic in the modern world.
Our catechists spend time to prepare and then share the Faith with the students who are in their classrooms. I am grateful for their efforts and the sacrifice of time which makes this endeavor possible. A special thank you to Lisa Sachs for directing our program. She does a great job. And, thank you to you parents who are wise enough to see the value of faith and the anchor it can and does provide in the winds that blow in our modern day.
Let us all pray for our young people, who are part of the Church, that their hearts will be transformed to love Jesus as both their Savior and their Friend.