How can we honor our mothers on this blessed day? There are two mothers we should always remember: Our Blessed Lady and our own flesh and blood moms. Some of our mothers have died, so we honor them through our prayers and by having Masses said for them. This is an important and faithful way to love our moms even in death. If they are alive, we thank them for all they’ve done for us, all the sacrifices for us, all the times they took care of us when we were sick, and all the support as we moved along in our life. I am grateful to my mother and for all moms who sacrificed for their sons and daughters. Thank you!!
We also honor the Mother of all mothers, our Blessed Lady, Mary. She is a perfect example to all women, but especially mothers as how to support their child—in this case, our Savior Jesus Christ. She was with Him at the birth (Incarnation) and remained through all His trials, into crucifixion and burial. She was there at His Resurrection, and now sits at the right hand of Her Son in Heaven.
A mother’s faithfulness to her vocation and family is an example to the whole world. Thank you mothers for all you have and will do! Happy Mother’s Day!