Moral Absolutes

It depends on the circumstances,” said the sophisticated Catholic. “It’s all relative. I feel it's up to me to decide.” 
Dear Friends,
I concede the right to choose, but morally speaking, one cannot choose evil to do good. There are moral absolutes that always and for always (semper et pro semper) exclude specific kinds of human action as morally justifiable objects of choice. In other words, there are intrinsically evil acts that morally exclude any logical exception: They are exception-less. The Catholic Faith has consistently affirmed moral absolutes and these absolutes are required to form a moral life. What are some examples of moral absolutes in church teaching?
Abortion: It is forbidden to take innocent life, of which the baby in the womb is. Even in the cases of rape or incest, there are no exceptions.
Invitro fertilization or artificial insemination: These acts disconnect from the marital act. Love is not a cold act performed in a lab, but a warm act of embrace and connection.
Embryonic stem cell research: This results in the killing of innocent life or requires the use of fetal material which is forbidden. Adult stem cells, or even umbilical cord stem cells are allowed.
Adultery and sex outside of marriage: To have intercourse with someone other than your spouse is forbidden. To fornicate runs contrary to holy scripture and God’s Divine Law. Simulating the sacrament of marriage by living together before marriage is a mortal sin.
Contraception in any form, whether chemical or physical: To interrupt the marital act or to use pills to prevent conception are forbidden. Most contraceptive chemicals or pills are abortifacients, they induce an abortion.
Homosexual acts: “God created them male and female and the two become one flesh,” ( Genesis). Homosexual acts run contrary to the natural and Divine Law of God. Marriage is for procreative love. Therefore, homosexual unions and civil unions or marriages are forbidden.
The common (modern day) responses of Catholic people are, “The church needs to update itself,” “The church can't tell me what to do in my bedroom,” or, “The church can't judge me, God doesn't care!” Suffice it to say, these are very dangerous and ignorant ways of thinking. Too many times, the emotion of a situation dictates a course of action for people. Emotions can be fleeting. History, experience, common sense, and logic (reason) are the spinal cord of the moral life, not emotions. We are to think our way through life, not emote.
The simple explanation regarding moral absolutes: Do good, avoid evil (Saint Thomas Aquinas). You can never do evil to accomplish a moral good. Moral absolutes serve a great purpose: They tell us how to live and guide us on the road to Heaven.
Yours in Christ, M. Heinz