Merry Christmas

Charles Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol” was written in the 1800’s at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.  As this novel has been portrayed in various iterations, most people pay little heed to the darkness of the day, and the indifference toward humanity it demonstrates.  Lost in all the dystopic painting within the world is the reality of hope.  The first verses of this “carol” suggest a humanity devoid of charity, empty of a daily giving capable of transforming the dark into a lasting peace.  As the “verses” continue to build, Scrooge begins to see the part he has played in the hum-bug attitude that rules his life.  People are not worth any effort—humanity is unredeemable.  Scrooge comes to his senses when he confronts a life poorly lived.  He encounters his life, devoid of hope or charity.  But, as long as one breathes a breath in this world, conversion can occur.  And, in the final verse of this “carol” we see a Scrooge transformed into the man God made him to be:  filled with a charity that comes from Charity itself—God!

Man is not unredeemable!  God so loved the world…and sent His Son that we might live.  When the world seems dark and unchangeable, when people seem cruel and indifferent, when life is poorly lived, God still cared enough and became Flesh!  God entered this broken, but redeemable, world and gave man hope, which is the anchor of life.

This is the true meaning of Christmas:  A life of charity, because of Charity, is a life worth living.  Through the Incarnation God gives us purpose, direction and meaning.  We are not victims of a dystopic reality, we are victors filled with hope.  We are not defeated, unless we want to be defeated.  We will gain Heaven because of a little Baby, Jesus Christ.  And, because of that Baby, we have been given a promise:  Through faithful, loving and obedient living, we will be with God forever.

May this Christmas Season be a real sign of hope, not only to a broken world, but to broken hearts everywhere, both yours and mine—God loved us first—Strive to love Him back and our neighbor as well!  Merry Christmas!