The greatest gift of Love, Christmas, the Incarnation, God become Man is here. After 4 weeks of Advent preparation and joyous anticipation of the Spiritual coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ, the Day has arrived. So, what does it mean to you? Is your Faith strengthened, deepened or edified? Or is it just another activity in an endless string of days and years?
It is easy to become casual and desensitized regarding the holy things of our Faith. We can take these beautiful events for granted and become overly concerned about the incidentals and begin to loose focus on the true and real meaning of this day. The commercialization of this holiday dramatically underscores this fact. Images of Christ, the Baby Jesus, the Holy Family and other religious art of the Season are barely visible in the shadow of snowmen, reindeer, Santa and snowflakes. To actually see a manger displayed becomes a treat, a true rarity.
This Season is about Christmas only!!! Not materialism, quasi-winter sentiments, or political correct compilations of everything with no distinction of anything. Christmas is about Christmas. It is about God loving us so much that He sent His only Son to be our Savior. There is no other offer on the table, pathway to God, or avenue of Hope other than Jesus Christ. Let’s reclaim Christmas; put God in Christ front and center. As Christians we must put this truth back in the center of the public square—no apologies, no p.c. accommodations, no “to each his own” nebulous and trite feelings. There is only one God and we celebrate Him today. May this Holy Season be a blessing to you and yours. Merry, Merry Christmas!