Lent is here at the latest it can. So, Easter isn’t until late April. But, whenever Lent comes upon us, we want to be in the mood to ready our hearts through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. The great thing about Lent is that everyone of every age can “do” something for Lent. “Giving something up” for Lent is one of those efforts for everyone. It doesn’t matter how great or small the “thing”, but the thought and effort that count—and, sticking with it!
Another important spiritual improvement is going to Confession. We all need it. God gave us the sacrament, we need to be willing and come with an open heart for change. A good Confession is good for the soul. Please be sure to go—it’s not like you only have a week to do it, you have 40 days!
The other spiritual consideration is charity. Both to our parish and beyond. St. Paul, St. John Chrysostom and many others teach us that true and deep charity wipes away a multitude of sins. Only Sacramental Confession takes away mortal sin. However, charity in word, thought and deed is a true reflection of our love for God. Be mindful of such things as you strive to grow in your Faith! Forty days is a lot of time to improve in your spiritual life. Keep at it until Easter!