I wanted to take this opportunity to give a shout out to the KC’s of our parish. This fraternal organization has been on the forefront of the pro-life movement, as well as, committing themselves to charitable work through their various fundraising events. All of this helps our local community and strengthens the charitable bonds of our Catholic community. These men, many of whom have been members for decades, provide a great witness of the vitality of St. Joseph Church here in Richmond.
I am grateful for the work of our local KC’s and especially their wonderful efforts when I celebrated my 25th anniversary to the priesthood last May. Thank you one and all for supporting me and the value you provide to the parish overall.
I also want to invite the men of our parish, young (18 or older) and older, to consider being a Knight of Columbus. As we tend to be an older parish, fresh, young blood is always welcome. Men tell me all the time that they wished they had a program or way to get more involved. Well, this is a great way to volunteer and make a difference in the community!
So, thank you brother Knights and for all you do for St. Joseph’s and beyond. God bless you and your families and your charitable endeavors!