Invitation to Holy Week

As I do every year, I want to personally invite you to Holy Week Services.  If you’ve never done this before, make time to enter into the mystery of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord. 

Here is the week at a glance:

*Holy Thursday:  7:00 p.m. Mass and washing of the feet.

We celebrate Christ’s gift of the Mass and the Holy Priesthood. (There would be no Mass without the Priesthood.)  We have the washing  of the feet at this Mass to remind us all for the need to be at service to others.  It reminds us to be less selfish and more considerate.

At the conclusion of the Mass is the Procession of the Holy Eucharist, concluding with adoration.  Adoration is available until 11:45 p.m.

*Good Friday:  3:00 p.m. service to be one with the Savior on the Cross.  It is a beautiful service (the only day of the year where Mass is not said).  There are Stations of the Cross at 7:00 p.m. for those who cannot make the earlier service.

*Holy Saturday:  7:00 p.m. (Fulfills Easter obligation.)  This is one of the more beautiful and ancient of Traditions at Mass.  The Feast of Lights which opens the Mass and the blessing of the Baptismal Font make this Mass just a bit longer than on Sunday.  If you’ve never been to this Mass, what a great way to experience the Resurrection in a unique, yet wonderful way.

*Easter Sunday:  Masses at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  This is the most important celebration of the year.  For in it, we praise God, in Jesus Christ, for rising from the dead to open the Gates of Heaven for you and me.  We review our baptismal promises at the Easter Masses.

Holy Week is a great way to cap what I hope has been a great Lent for you.  We have a Great God, who loves us so much.  This week demonstrates this truth like no other.

P.S.  Don’t forget to get your Easter Baskets blest in church on Holy Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m.  It’s a great tradition.  Never did it before?  Start now!