Happy New Year

I look at this New Year, 2019.  When I was a mere pup, the talk of future possibilities lay beyond the horizon.  Space flight and journeys to the moon seemed the fashionable talk back then.  Little did anyone believe that the technologies of today were even believable, let alone, become reality.  The gadgets of the T.V. show Star Trek seemed a nice fiction.  Yet, how far we’ve come is a positive testament of the ingenuity of man and his desire to seek and discover.  Imagination is a great thing and creativity has so many possibilities.

All this to realize that 2019 holds even more possibilities, if we dare.  We must never advance, however, without God to guide and instruct.  The betterment of humanity is not an empty goal, but one filled with a Godly purpose.  The advancements in technology are not a signal showing the futility of God.  Rather, the progress of man is realized to its fullest when faith and reason see themselves as two wings of the same bird flying to discover truth (as St. John Paul II put it).

My prayer for us all is that we look to the future with joyful anticipation.   Our hearts can not absent God from our advancements.  God at our side sees progress as blessing—progress absent God is certain chaos.  Cooperating with God’s Divine Plan, as He graces us with intellect and compassion as we grow and move onward, this is true progress, true advancement of humanity.

May this new year be a great blessing for us all.  May you and yours know God more deeply.  May we never lose our curiosity, but, always see God directly in the work that lays before us.  Happy New Year!