Now don’t panic! Christmas is right around the corner and we are over half way through Advent to the great day of the Incarnation, when God became Man. It’s easy to let the “busy-ness” of the season cause a misdirection for us. We get so wrapped up in the incidentals that we forget that the incidentals are but a preparation for Christmas. They are not Christmas itself!
The baking, parties, buying, wrapping and planning are all part of the Season of Holidays. The Holy Day is Christmas. When we keep our focus on the crib and not the consumerism the day has become, we actually are in tune with the Reason for the Season: Jesus Christ who is God’s gift of Love to you and me.
So, keep your focus. You control the emotions and tensions. You set the mood. You align your efforts with God’s agenda. Celebrate with joy, prepare with purpose, come together in Faith! With this Christian attitude to guide you, when Christmas Day comes, the day will be the highlight, not the incidentals.