Prayer is of great interest and a vital necessity for the Christian life. Many people pray, but, they are not always sure they are “doing it right”. Simply put, prayer is talking with Him, listening to Him, and resting in silence before Him.
First, if we are true believers and hold that we are mere creatures requiring obedience to the Creator, then prayer is an essential component of this spiritual relationship. Being a pray-er is movement both vocally and silently. Prayer binds us to God and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Prayer can also be a groaning of our spirit to God. Our needs, hurts, battles, vices, problems and joys are expressed in loving communion with God who, in turn, guides, answers, helps and heals in such dialogue. Prayer time is a gift, not a tedious task. The more you pray, the better the habit develops and a bond with God is formed. Daily prayer, both structured and unstructured, opens our eyes to see Heaven more clearly, yet, still through a veil. Prayer wraps us in the loving arms of our Heavenly Father, forms a bond of friendship with Jesus, and allows us to communicate through the insights and graces of the Holy Spirit. Prayer should become a regular part of our day and our spiritual development
Second, prayer is spoken and silent. It gives voice to our needs and desires, our hopes and dreams, our fears and temptations. It is a time to seek God’s advice and direction. But, it also is a time to just be quiet, or silent in His presence. To reflect and reason and listen is also an integral part of this time with God. Offering Him praise, being thankful, and expressing our love for Him coupled together with silence adds depth and dimension to the prayer experience. Just sit at His feet and be quiet—that works as good as talking. As the Bible tells us, “Be still and know that I am God!”
Be sure to always be developing your prayer life. This communing with God can be a source of joy and delight. God will direct us in prayer, as He sees fit, in His good time, and as He wills it. Obedience and humility are the best posture in prayer. Pray daily and make friendship with Christ a part of what we consider ourselves to be: Christian (followers of Christ!).