First Sunday of Advent

Another Advent is upon us.  This weekend we begin the journey of inviting Baby Jesus to take root in our heart in a fresh and new way.  Advent reminds us of the great privilege of faith we enjoy—God loving the world so much that even in its fallen nature He sends His own Son to become one with us in all things but die...then to rise that we might have eternal life.  What a joy we will soon encounter when we stand around the manger and are awed by such a beautiful, loving gift.  We must be very special to God for Him to make such a fuss.  It’s time to make a fuss for Him.

As we shop, bake, wrap, eat, party and celebrate, let us do it with Christ as the true reason for the season.  Anticipate such a great event and celebrate it for all the right reasons—not because of obligation or duty, but because of love; giving back to God what He first gave us.

There will be time for Mass and confessions throughout the Advent Season.  Make yourself right with God and when Christ comes on Christmas Day we won’t be able to say anything but, “Come Lord Jesus...Glory to God in the Highest” or simply put:  Happy Birthday!