First Communion & May Crowning

Next weekend we have two wonderful celebrations at the 10:30 Mass.  First:  Our First Communion second graders will receive Our Blessed Lord for the first time.  They have been preparing all year, have gone to Confession, and are eager to take the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ.  It is so refreshing to see such innocent receptivity and zeal for this great Sacrament of Holy Communion.  It is always a reminder to the rest of us to re-commit ourselves to being more reverent and holy when we go to Communion too!  Please pray for them and all our young people at St. Joseph.  They are the Church.  We need them to be strong and holy, and, they can be, with our good example.

Second:  This is the month of May.  May is dedicated to our Blessed Lady.  Traditionally, a May Crowning takes place to kick off the month.  So, our First Communicants will process around the Church, and, crown the statue of Our Lady.  May Crowning reminds us to beg Our Lady’s intercession for our needs and concerns.  Therefore, rosaries and scapulars will be available throughout May, either for yourself or to pass on to others.  See you next week!