Next weekend will be a special day for 8 of our second graders who will receive for the first time the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Savior, Jesus Christ, at their First Holy Communion. Having received their First Confession, their souls are prepared and open to receive Our Lord with joy and enthusiasm. To see the freshness and excitement of this experience in their eyes and actions should serve as an example to us of how holy each Communion is, and something never to be taken for granted. Congratulations First Communicants!
Intimately tied to this beautiful day is the privilege of honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary by celebrating the month of May with the traditional May Crowning. The month of May is the month of Our Lady in which the Rosary is to be said with solemnity, dignity and reverence (as at all times). All of this will take place at the 10:30 Mass. So, come and honor Our Lady. Let us also give thanks for our Faith and for the joy of our First Communicants at this wonderful Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. This will be another day of great blessings and graces. God is so good to us. Let us have the courage to boldly thank Him for all He has done for us.