Easter Sunday

What a glorious day this is! The Lord, Jesus Christ, who has risen from the dead so that we may gain eternal life. Wow – totally beats colored eggs or marshmallow peeps – by like, a lot! Nothing on earth can compare to it. No one on earth can improve upon it. No greater blessing can outshine it. This is the most important day of the Christian calendar, way beyond Christmas, both in value and dignity.

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave is the first fruit for our resurrection. It is the promise and hope of the final Covenant between God and man. “For God so loved the world… that those who believe in Him may have life eternal“. Heaven is the expected reward for a life well lived with, and in, God. He promised it, and He does not lie!

So take time to be thankful that God thought us worth it. Thank Him for all your gifts, blessings, and, yes, your challenges. When you eat your Easter candy, eggs, ham, and whatever else, be mindful of this one truth: Jesus rose from the dead and you and I are the beneficiaries. Praise be to the risen Jesus Christ!

Happy Easter.