It’s that time of year, where we renew our obligation to the bishop and the needs of the Diocese of Rockford. Our goal this year is $30,000. If everyone contributes we can meet this goal. Additionally, any monies raised over the target amount come back to our Parish. This can be a great way to add to our building fund so we can finally knock down the houses and garages, put up a new garage, and redo parking in the handicapped area on the north side of our church in early spring 2022 (yea)!
Last year we fell short of our goal by 50% - I didn’t want to push for donations because of the impact of Covid-19. We’ve met our goals in the past and I’m sure we can get back to meeting them this year. I appreciate your financial support throughout this past year. A crazy year it’s been! Let’s keep striving, keep giving, and keep being generous as best we can. Together we will meet our Diocesan goal while remaining faithful to our regular giving to St Joseph!
What a joy it is to be your spiritual father and pastor! This is such a great parish whose true character shined in the face of adversity. I am proud of each and every one of you, in every way possible. As I complete my seventh year with you, I can only say that I’ve been blessed by God and your support.