
This week, Wednesday to be exact, at 5:30, our 8th grade young men and women will be Confirmed by the bishop here at St. Joseph’s.  We are combining and hosting Confirmation with the young people from Christ the King Parish in Wonder Lake.  We welcome Bishop Malloy and pray for those to be Confirmed!

I was in 7th grade when I got Confirmed.  It was a great day, where I stood up on my own two feet, before the bishop, and professed my faith and received my second indelible mark (the first being at baptism).  It will be the same for our young people.   When they were babies, parents and Godparents professed for them.  Now, each to receive Confirmation will answer to God of their own free will, hopefully with a desire to have Christ at their side for the rest of their lives.  We pray for them, that the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit will take root in them, setting them on a path of holiness with the consequence of life with God forever in Heaven.

Remember, our young people are not the future of the Church, they are the Church.  Let our example show the importance of Christ in their lives.  Pray that some will become priests or religious sisters.  Most certainly, that they become great fathers and mothers for future generations of the Church.  I look forward to them taking the reigns of leadership one day.  Congratulations and blessings!