
Part of every Catholic’s duty is to make a good Confession during Lent. This affords us an opportunity to be healed in spirit and soul, ready to experience Easter with a fresh, clean, and holy heart.

The Diocese designates an annual Be Reconciled Day, which provides for more confession and reconciliation times, given its importance during Lent. This year it falls on March 24, 2021. We’re pitching in and offering extra times to make your Confession. Please note the times below.

Haven’t been to confession in a while? Want to make the best confession that you ever have? We’re here to help. Outside of the confessional in the Church are pamphlets to help you make your Examination of Conscience. Please take one and use it to prepare for your confession.

I urge you to do anything you can to make every effort to go to Confession before Easter. We need all of the grace and forgiveness that we can get.

Confession Times Leading To Easter

Monday 3-22 after 6:30pm Mass
until complete

Wednesday 3-24 8:30am to 9:30am
11:30am to 1:00pm
6:30pm to 7:30pm

Friday 3-26 6:00pm to 6:30pm
Followed by Stations of
the Cross at 7:00pm

Saturday 3-27 4:00pm to 4:30pm

Monday 3-29 after 8:00am Mass to 9:00am
after 6:30pm Mass to 7:30pm

Wednesday 3-31 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Last Chance Before Easter

I will see you there!