The Catholic Trifecta of prayer, fasting, and penance includes, with the virtue of penance, Sacramental Confession.
EVERY Catholic is obliged by Church Law to make a Confession as part of the Easter Season, particularly if mortal sin is involved. I am a trained professional and offer my services to accomplish this task with you. Please take note of the schedule of times for Confession offered at St. Joseph Catholic Church, which along with our other Lent Activities can be found within this bulletin.
Some people continue to fret over the Sacrament and find excuses not to participate. Others genuinely believe that they don’t sin. Quite frankly, the excuses and misguided beliefs are hogwash! Scripture reminds us that, “We all sin and fall short of the glory of God.” Presuming on the mercy of God to remove the sin without Confession is a particularly dangerous attitude. If we have a sincere heart, we can depend on God‘s mercy, but, we can never presume on it. There is a Hell, and to think Heaven is automatically granted as one’s right is that very presumption, and it’s a mortal sin.
I understand that some people are converts to the Faith and confession was not a part of their original experience. To them I would say, you converted. You are not ruled by your past, but instead are guided by the fullness of our Faith. Humble yourself, accuse yourself, and go to Confession already.
In every case, Confession is good for the Soul. Not knowing where to start is not an excuse either. Look in the Church and you will see brochures you can use to complete your Examination of Conscience and say your Confession.
We are almost halfway through Lent. Keep at it and let God heal you and prepare your heart for Heaven. As the Gospels tell us, in Christ, “Be not afraid.”