Blessing of throats

This week (Feb. 2) we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord.  This Feast celebrates the circumcision of the Lord in the Temple.  The Feast began in the 4th century in Jerusalem and began the tradition of blessing candles (Candlemas Day) to celebrate Christ as the “Light to the nations”!  This is why I encourage homes to have blessed candles to be used in times of strife or stress as well as times of sickness.  The candles signify the Light dispelling the darkness, good over evil.

 Connected to this celebration is the feast day of St. Blaise.  It is said that St. Blaise saved a child from choking on a fishbone.  So, the practice has been to use blest candles from Candlemas Day on the throats of Christians, asking for St. Blaise’s intercession against “any ailments of the throat”!  So, next weekend we will bless the throats of all present at Mass.  (As an aside—this blessing is perfectly place in the middle of cold and flu season.)

 Our Faith is so tremendous and the blessings never seem to end.  God never stops giving to us.  Let us return His favors by favoring Him with an ever deeper faith and love.