I didn’t think the year 2020 could end soon enough. It seems almost impossible to wake up every morning and believe things will truly be better simply because the calendar turned a page. Although the start of 2021 presents glimpses of hope for a much, much better year, it’s hard to not think about the never before faced challenges which all started at the beginning of the last year. This is not to say that we’ve not faced hellish years in the past, including those which brought Spanish Influenza, Polio Outbreaks, World Wars, and the Great Depression. These situations remain written in our history because of their devastating effects. What also must remain is the knowledge that we overcame each of them with great unified effort, unwavering conviction, and our faith in God. Humanity managed to ride beyond the challenge while growing because of the lesson learned.
As we look back on 2020 we will always remember the challenge that COVID-19 presented to each of us individually and to varying degrees, but will we have grown from the experience? New and innovative vaccines are on the way and slowly making their way into arms. Minds, enlightened by Almighty God, brought about the needed solutions. However, will the greatest lesson remain? Will we remember that our trust in God should not waiver?
The fuel in the fire of 2020 was fear, which is the opposite of trust. We spent 365 days fearing politicians, police, viruses, protests, looting, social media, foreign nations, suffering, isolation, each other, and dying. Will we have learned that fear stifles trust? Genuine trust in God gains victory over fear. We need to trust in God—period!
Aside from realizing how much we are guided by fear, I also noticed how easily we rolled over and gave into the dictates of our government, not only domestically but globally. Government should exist to serve us, not dominate us. Most citizens want to do the right thing for the common good. However, no one wants to serve the dictators in government. As we move forward, I ask that we remain mindful of the common good, but let’s not give up our freedoms too quickly or so easily, as we may never get them back!
May this new year be a blessing as we seek out the protection of St. Joseph in all that we do and for all that comes our way. May the vaccines do all they have promised in returning us to “normal." May our Faith keep us vigilant and steady. May the year 2021 start well, and end great!