Upcoming Parish Events

First Weekend Masses

On Friday, Oct. 4th, Eucharistic Adoration and confessions follow Mass.

On Saturday, Oct. 5th, the St. Peregrine Devotion for those affected by cancer, and confessions follow Mass.

Prayer Life Chain

Sun. Oct. 6, 2-3pm, at the front step of the Church

Holy Hour for Vocations, Adoration, Confessions

Wed. Oct. 9, 7-8pm

Rosary Rally

Sat. Oct. 12, 12pm on the church steps

No Religious Education Classes

Sun. Oct. 13

Columbus Day - Office Closed

Mon. Oct. 14

Bible Study Resumes

Wed. Oct. 16, 8:45am, after the 8am Mass

Update to Mass Intentions:

We have a wonderful problem: Too many requests for Mass Intentions offered at weekday and weekend Mass times. I already offer the chance for people to double-up at these Masses with their intentions.

Some rules have to be set in place, as many people want these intentions. Therefore,

  • No parishioner may have more than one intention requested per month, with a maximum of 12 per year.
  • Personal prayer intentions are restricted to one every two weeks per parishioner.
  • The stipend for the intention remains at $10.00 per intention, per Diocesan policy.
  • No intentions may be doubled-up without both of those requesting the intention agreeing. First come, first serve.
  • Please state the reason for the intention: e.g. for the deceased or living (birthday, anniversary, healing)

I want to remind you that we do have a prayer request list in the bulletin. Perhaps some prayer intentions can be handled in this way. There are many parishes that cannot fulfill intentions due to lack of requests. I’m very glad that we have a parish that desires such prayers for our loved ones.

Yours in Christ,

Monsignor Martin Heinz



Dear Friends in Christ...
My name is Monsignor Martin Heinz. I am the Pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church, and as the spiritual leader of our Parish and Christ's ambassador within our Community, I am often called upon to comfort those experiencing grief, anxiety, and loss.
During those times of darkness which we all experience, I urge everyone to banish feelings of worry and stress by remembering the words found in Jeremiah 29:11, speaking of God's love for us. "For I Know The Plans I Have For You, Plans to Prosper You and Not to Harm You, Plans to Give You Hope and a Future." More important than confronting grief in the moment, however, is preparing for it by establishing a firm foundation in faith as a means of bringing about peace in our lives. 
Bad things will happen to us. There is no way of knowing the time or the severity, and the key to dealing with any catastrophe is in how we choose to soothe our pain so we can carry on. Instead of seeking temporary solace in material excess, substance abuse, or sexual promiscuity, I urge each and every one of you to establish a relationship with Jesus Christ, seek his counsel, and live your fullest role within God's plan. In this way you become prepared, so you can find the richness and fulfillment of true peace in the midst of anguish.
If you've been a Catholic all of your life, it's time to delve deeper into your faith. If you are just awakening spiritually, and want to present yourself before the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ, our Church is waiting to welcome you. Daily Masses are at 8:00am, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, with a Communion Service at 8:00am Thursday. The Saturday Vigil Mass is at 5:00pm. Sunday Masses are at 8:00am and 10:30am. Confession is offered from 4-4:30pm on Saturday afternoons. The 8:00am daily Mass on the First Friday of the month includes Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions. There is an additional daily Mass on the first Saturday of each month at 8:00am with Confessions and Veneration to St. Peregrine, the patron of those suffering from Cancer. 
I believe that with our eyes solidly on the Lord, we can all turn any time of tragedy and isolation into a wonderful opportunity to strengthen our souls and grow spiritually. Don't waste the opportunity. Don't wait another day. Say yes to the invitation given to you by Jesus! 
God Bless you all.
Monsignor Martin Heinz
Pastor, St. Joseph Catholic Church
Deacon Norm Kocol   Deacon Al Dietz   Monsignor Martin Heinz   Deacon Dennis Holian


Interested in becoming a parishioner? click here to print a copy of the registration form Please return the completed form to the Parish Office in person, by mail, or by placing it in the collection basket.

Planning a Baptism? click here to download a baptism registration form . Please fill it out in preparation for your in person meeting with our Pastor or Deacons.


Mass & Confession Times

Weekend Masses:
Saturday at 5:00p
Sunday at 8:00a & 10:30a
Weekday Masses:
Mon-Wed. & Friday at 8:00a
Liturgy of the Word with Communion
Thursday at 8:00a
First Friday Mass
8:00a followed by Adoration and Confession
First Saturday Mass
8:00a followed by St. Peregrine Devotion for cancer victims, and Confession

Offered Saturday Afternoons from 4-4:30p

St. Joseph Church will be open on the same days as the Parish Office for private prayer following the 8:30 am Mass until 2:00pm. Enter through the Main Church Door at Route 12, or utilize the accessible entrance near the handicapped parking spaces next to the courtyard on the north side of the Church.


Office Hours

The Parish Office is located at 10519 N. Main Street in Richmond, Illinois 60071

Office Hours are...
Monday - Friday 8:30a to 2:30p

The office will be closed during Business and Liturgical Holidays and occasionally just because.

Virtual Bulletins

  • Sun, Oct 13th

  • Sun, Oct 6th

Stay In Touch

Click here to sign up to receive our Flocknotes.

Social Media


Click here to see our Facebook Page

Welcome to St. Joseph

  • COVID-19 Parking Lot Mass
  • Mass During Covid-19
  • RCIA Candidate Confirmation
  • Pet Blessing
  • Pet Blessing
  • Pet Blessing
  • Life Chain
  • Pet Blessing
  • Life Chain
  • Live Stream Mass
  • Relic of the Scourging Pilar
  • The Orsolini Bell
  • The Altar
  • Life Chain
  • St. Peragrine Novena
  • Readers Welcomed
  • Our Papal Blessing from 1932
  • Park and Pray Adoration
  • The old church at Liberty and Commercial
  • Barb keeping the Message Up To Date
  • Our Patron, St. Joseph
  • The Blessed Sacrament during Adoration
  • A cross made from a Blessed Palm
  • Preparing for Live Stream of Mass
  • Our Park & Pray area
  • Altar & Rosary Society
  • Holy Thursday Blessing during the Covid-19 Isolation
  • Our Worship Space
  • Our Church at the Start of Spring
  • Easter
  • Respect Life
  • Marriage Enrichment Dinner
  • Parish Picnic
  • Parish Picnic
  • Our Worship Space
  • Knights of Columbus grill for Parish Picnic
  • Parish Life Ice Cream Social
  • Altar & Rosary Society Pie Sale
  • Altar & Rosary Society Plant sale
  • Altar & Rosary Society Rummage Sale
  • Altar & Rosary Society Bake Sale
  • Candle-light Vigil
  • Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast
  • Our church
  • Cooking for KC Pancake Breakfast
  • KC St. Patrick Day Party