Update to Mass Intentions:
We have a wonderful problem: Too many requests for Mass Intentions offered at weekday and weekend Mass times. I already offer the chance for people to double-up at these Masses with their intentions.
Some rules have to be set in place, as many people want these intentions. Therefore,
- No parishioner may have more than one intention requested per month, with a maximum of 12 per year.
- Personal prayer intentions are restricted to one every two weeks per parishioner.
- The stipend for the intention remains at $10.00 per intention, per Diocesan policy.
- No intentions may be doubled-up without both of those requesting the intention agreeing. First come, first serve.
- Please state the reason for the intention: e.g. for the deceased or living (birthday, anniversary, healing)
I want to remind you that we do have a prayer request list in the bulletin. Perhaps some prayer intentions can be handled in this way. There are many parishes that cannot fulfill intentions due to lack of requests. I’m very glad that we have a parish that desires such prayers for our loved ones.
Yours in Christ,
Monsignor Martin Heinz
Pastor, St. Joseph Catholic Church
Interested in becoming a parishioner? click here to print a copy of the registration form . Please return the completed form to the Parish Office in person, by mail, or by placing it in the collection basket.
Planning a Baptism? click here to download a baptism registration form . Please fill it out in preparation for your in person meeting with our Pastor or Deacons.
Mass & Confession Times
Weekend Masses:
Saturday at 5:00p
Sunday at 8:00a & 10:30a
Weekday Masses:
Mon-Wed. & Friday at 8:00a
Liturgy of the Word with Communion
Thursday at 8:00a
First Friday Mass
8:00a followed by Adoration and Confession
First Saturday Mass
8:00a followed by St. Peregrine Devotion for cancer victims, and Confession
Offered Saturday Afternoons from 4-4:30p
St. Joseph Church will be open on the same days as the Parish Office for private prayer following the 8:30 am Mass until 2:00pm. Enter through the Main Church Door at Route 12, or utilize the accessible entrance near the handicapped parking spaces next to the courtyard on the north side of the Church.
- Msgr. Martin Heinz, Pastor
- Dennis Holian, Deacon
- Norm Kocol, Deacon
- Dr. Al Dietz, Deacon
- JoLynn Smuda, Parish Office Finances
- Kayla Lussow, Parish Office Communications
- Lisa Sachs, Coordinator of Religious Education
- Barbara Russell, Liturgical Music Coordinator
- Dale Judkins, Maintenance
Office Hours
Office Hours are...
Monday - Friday 8:30a to 2:30p
The office will be closed during Business and Liturgical Holidays and occasionally just because.
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